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Leehove 40, 2678 MC De Lier, Netherlands +31 174 705 811

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Website Design
and Development

Your Approach
and Work Specifics

At our agency, we have a unique approach to web design and development. We believe in creating websites that not only look great but also perform well in terms of user experience, functionality, and search engine optimization.

UX Audits


A UX audit is a service that evaluates the user experience (UX) of a website. It involves analyzing the website's design, functionality, and content to identify areas of improvement that can enhance the user's overall experience.

During a UX audit, a team of UX experts will conduct a thorough review of the website and provide a comprehensive report that outlines specific recommendations for improving the website's usability, accessibility, and overall user experience.

The audit may cover various aspects of the website, such as navigation, layout, visual design, content structure, and mobile responsiveness. The goal is to identify any pain points or obstacles that users may encounter while browsing the website and provide actionable recommendations to improve their experience.

In summary, a UX audit can help website owners identify areas of improvement that can enhance their website's user experience and increase user engagement and satisfaction.

Design thinking


Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that emphasizes empathy, creativity, and collaboration. It involves understanding the needs and perspectives of users, identifying and defining the problem, generating multiple possible solutions, prototyping and testing those solutions, and iterating based on feedback.

Design thinking encourages a human-centered approach to innovation and is often used in fields such as product design, user experience (UX) design, and business strategy to create user-centric and innovative solutions. It promotes a mindset that embraces experimentation, iteration, and continuous learning throughout the design process.



Wireframing is a vital step in web design where a visual representation of a website's structure is created. It focuses on layout and user experience, using basic shapes and lines to outline elements like headers, menus, and content sections. Wireframes establish the website's architecture and functionality, facilitating communication between designers, developers, and clients. They serve as a blueprint for user-friendly websites, setting the foundation for design and development.



Aesthetics in web design focus on the visual appeal of a website, incorporating elements like colors, typography, images, and layout. It aims to create an engaging and visually pleasing user experience that reflects the brand identity and purpose of the website. A well-designed aesthetic balances visual appeal with functionality, leaving a lasting impression on users.



Libero quam alias tempora facilis necessitatibus quis officiis voluptatem architecto harum exercitationem quidem illum eligendi. Veniam non vitae, nemo dolor tempora, necessitatibus enim sapiente quam voluptas architecto minima omnis sequi aperiam aliquam vel quo reprehenderit, tempore tenetur. Architecto dolorem assumenda voluptas, odio nemo vero illo praesentium pariatur, ut perspiciatis, est itaque minus ratione vitae laboriosam molestiae.


Our process is our edge

20 years of handling brand challenges in multiple therapy areas and of varied complexity has helped us create and hone a proprietary process that is almost perfect - both, efficient and effective.

Featured Case Study

Rebooting a life-sciences brand.

Strand Life Sciences, a well-established leader in genetic research and precision medicine, was looking to overhaul their brand and reposition themselves to a wider audience of customers while elevating the brand perception.

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Featured Case Study

Strengthening brand leadership

Novartis, the leader in targeted therapy for the treatment of CML, had launched Tasigna a new molecule more efficacious than their gold standard drug Glivec. Novartis was looking to strengthen their leadership position by making Tasigna the drug of choice with the promise of Treatment Free Remission, a possibility that was previously unthinkable.

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Featured Case Study

Omnichannel approach to penetrate the market.

Bayer a worldwide leader in endometriosis wanted to launch its global brand, Visanne, in India. However, Visanne was a late entrant in the local market already flooded with several lower-priced brands. The business goal was to launch the brand and gain a leadership position as quickly as possible.

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